Guy Diehl
Series Modigliani, 2018
Etching, drypoint & UV acrylic
Image: 18 x 19.75 in; paper: 22 x 24 in.
Edition of 3 (E.V.)
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State XIV
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State XI TP
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State VII TP
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State I
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State III

Guy Diehl’s Series Modigliani finds the artist exploring the possibilities of unique state editioning. Where Diehl’s compositions typically feature a still life arrangement set against a minimal, monochromatic or gradated backdrop, each unique print in the Series Modigliani features a different eye-catching background design. Many of these backgrounds were drawn from a particular art-historical source – ranging from Art Deco and Art Nouveau patterns to the geometric abstraction of Malevich and the Russian Constructivists – resulting in a unique state series which pays tribute to some of the finest moments in the history of art. -Nick Stone

Series Modigliani was featured in Diehl’s March 2018 solo show at Dolby Chadwick Gallery.